The Goal Getters Club
In December 2011, an opportunity arose to approach a new year, the usual time to assess one’s life and where it is going, a little differently. Feeling stagnant by things going on and anxious to see some changes, we gathered a group of our closest friends for a brunch on New Year’s Day. What at first seemed like a good idea for fellowship and mimosas, morphed into an opportunity to discuss plans and goals for the New Year among like minded women. Each woman was asked to bring 3 written goals and be willing to share those goals with the group, allowing other participants to hold them accountable for taking all necessary steps to reach the stated goal. The group began to meet quarterly. Each meeting served as a check in and check up. In between brunches, members of the group provided support to one another through the sharing of relevant information, serving as accountability partners and tracking progress. Each year, the group expanded, the goals were adjusted along the way, but the pursuit never changed; women pushing one another to achieve both personal and professional goals through accountability and empowerment. Three years later, in January 2015, the Goal Getters Club officially launched.
While the event has grown over the last three years in both size and scope, what has remained constant is the vision for these gatherings to be a safe space for women to join together and provide for one another something the world doesn’t always give us, empowerment and accountability which leads to achievement.
Women across the world deserve the opportunity to feel the support of other like minded women. Women deserve to be in a comfortable space to share their goals, fears, dreams and desires with the added bonus of being challenged and supported by their peers through the journey of goal getting. To become a goal getter is a life altering decision. One that will transform wishes into visions, visions into goals and goals into achievement.

The Goal Getters Club believes women have all the resources they need to be successful within them, between them and amongst them. Through facilitating quarterly brunch events, the GGC empowers its participants to recognize their own gifts, talents and abilities and be confident in sharing those valuable resources with other like minded women in pursuit of their own goals. By sharing of goals in a group setting as well as documenting the goals in writing, the GGC encourages its participants to hold one another accountable for how their actions and/or plan of action will help or hinder goal getting. The GGC's purpose is to demonstrate for its participants the power of tapping into existing resources within their circle and more importantly the responsibility to be such a resource to those around you.
The GGC is unlike other networking organizations that often rely on subject matter experts from outside ones immediate circle to serve as motivation and inspiration. The philosophy of the GGC is that women should be empowered to be that motivation and inspiration for themselves and those around them. That empowerment paired with accountability is what leads to the achievement of goals that are set!