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The Other Side of Fear

Fear is a paralyzing agent. The sheer purpose of fear is to prevent you from doing that which you are considering. In some cases, fear is your minds necessary survival mechanism in order to save your life. More often fear is the mental trick played upon you by your insecurities, past experiences and internal messages in order to render you helpless in the pursuit of your goals.

Indeed there is a healthy amount of fear attached to anything new. Let’s face it, taking a risk and not knowing the outcome of that risk can be a frightening thing. Bells go off in your head trying to warn you of potential danger ahead. There should always be a level of gratitude for fear, because it forces you to think about what you are about to do. That is a fundamental and necessary tool for life. Yet when your fear becomes greater than your dreams, wishes and goals, it has taken up a space in your life so overwhelming it will never allow you to grow beyond your current position, situation or circumstance. Fear can loom so heavy that it goes from a healthy warning to a debilitating energy. Fear will have you stuck.

In the pursuit of your goals, you must always measure your fears. Ask yourself “What am I afraid will happen if I try this?” and after you get that answer follow up with the question“And if that very thing I am most afraid of happens, what will that mean?” You must question fear every step of the way in the pursuit of your goals. For the goals you set for yourself are done in order to change the complete way in which you are living your life. The goals, if set correctly, are ones which the very process of pursuing those goals will alter the fiber of your being - changing you into a new and better version of yourself. You must ask yourself why you would let a thing like fear prevent you from living the life you have envisioned for yourself. And when you answer that question with the highest level of honesty and self-love, you will be empowered to first acknowledge fear as the necessary warning sign it is then trust yourself enough to know that you have prepared for this moment, this challenge and this change therefore fear has no place here.

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