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Take Back Your Life!

Life gets overwhelming at times. Between the obligations we have to our families and our careers the last thing on the list of priorities tends to be ourselves. Our lives begin to be lived only in the service and pleasure of other people’s happiness. Granted, those other people who we live to serve may be people whom we love very much; our children, spouses, extended family and friends. But when we are not giving our own lives priority, all we are doing is emptying ourselves in order to fill others. At some point we will have nothing left to give. Not only do those we love deserve so much better from us, we deserve to walk through our own lives filled to the brim with all we need, want and desire to live our best lives.

Essentially, we need to take back our lives from wherever we have placed it. We need to make sure our own cup is full before we begin pouring out to those we love. In taking back our lives, we need to ask ourselves, what my purpose here is on this earth and how will serving that purpose lead to my happiness.

Each of us has a life of our own that we want to live. Too often we allow other people to become priority simply because it is easier to focus all that energy and attention on others. Instead of focusing on who we want to be, we exhaust ourselves trying to create and dictate the lives of those around us. Often we ignore the person who lives within us and walk through the world vacant of an authentic personality and absent of passion. We all have dreams – what we sometimes lack is the guts to make our dreams a reality. So instead of living our lives, we orchestrate them – planning every step. In the midst of the planning and execution of the plan – the living is lost. The person inside each of us needs to be alive, well and full so our lives won't be following a plan, it will be living a dream!

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