5 Reasons You Aren't Achieving Your Goals

1- You're afraid. It doesn't matter if you're suffering from fear of success of fear of failure being afraid to move forward in your life will keep you stuck indefinitely if you allow it to. 2- It's not a goal you set for yourself. We allow people around us and society to dictate what our lives should be. When that happens we end up in situations that our hearts are not in. Do you know how many lawyers there are who wish they were artist or accountants who wished they pursued psychology? If something isn't for us sometimes we have a hard time getting started. Make sure the goal you're pursuing is a goal YOU really want to achieve. 3- You aren't serious. Nope, you're not. People who are serious about getting things done do not allow anything to stand in their way. They make time, they make sacrifices, they make changes. But sometimes we just aren't ready so we make EXCUSES! 4- You're not minding your own business. I mean that literally and figuratively. The Internet and technology can be our best friend and our worst enemy. We look at other people who have "made it" and compare ourselves and our successes to theirs. You don't know what those people have been through, how much work they've put in or even what their end game is. So mind your business. Then there is all the time spent discussing the lives of people around us. Who has what, who is dating who, who did whatever - mind your business. If you're not writing a local gossip blog, none of this is your business. The time we spend discussing these trivial matters takes time away from working towards achieving your goals. 5- You're not prepared. You haven't done your research. You haven't applied the SMART goals method. You haven't made the space in your life or mind or heart for what you say you want. You haven't done the work.